Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29, 2019
We are about to experience some record low temperatures here with wind chills down around negative 14 degrees! Needless to say I'm not going fishing until it warms up Thursday where the high is 39 degrees again. I have fished several times lately with below freezing temperatures. Ice on the guides, cold runs, and wind chills have made it difficult but luckily the fishing hasn't been bad at all. Yesterday was awesome as the big bass were biting jerkbaits on the north shore area. We had a front coming in which always helps the bite with clouds, wind and the bass in their fairly predictable winter locations, it was fun. Plus the bass are in groups right now so while I'm fishing pretty slowly I'm only doing so in spots where you know there are fish. Crappie are doing well also. Part of that has to do with the new fish finder I just bought from Garmin. It's got this thing called Live Scope and it's a game changer. Basically it is forward looking sonar on steroids. I've never had anything like this before where a piece of technology is making such a big difference so quickly. You see fish in a whole different world. And it's helping me catch fish that I simply would not have without this new tool. It's the hottest new toy in the fishing world. Luckily the warmer days are just around the corner and I'll be back out there honing my skill. Good Luck Everybody!


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