Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 2014

Fall is on it's way! Fall is my favorite time of the year. Football just started, Fishing has already started picking up, cooler temperatures, and bow hunting is just around the corner. The bass have been moving shallower for a couple weeks now. Even though day time temps have still been warm the overnight lows are much lower which is making the baitfish and shad move shallow. If there is one thing you need to remember after reading this post it is to follow the bait in the fall. Most days look for shad in the backs of the creeks and coves. However there will be some days where they will back off, just try to relocate them in the middle parts of the coves or even points. Wind can be a big player for suspended fish on the docks some days but generally I try to find the fish on the back ends of the coves. Pitching or in general any short distance highly accurate cast is going to be important this time of the year. The hard to reach parts of the dock are usually the best along with the corners of the docks. Luckily we have some 50,000 docks on this lake to chose from.

Crappie have started biting better but still not great. A few limits lately but I know the next few weeks it will get much better. Usually October is time to really concentrate on crappie.

White bass are starting to show up in the glaize arm and I hope they will become more and more plentiful throughout the lake soon. I have been catching them just before dark. They are chasing shad in the middle or shallow end of the cove. Once October comes along the white bass will move shallow throughout the lake on windy points. On the right days it is some of the most fun you can have on the water. Wind is critical to get the whites going good. Plus we'll luck into some walleye, bass, black crappie, little bit of everything that time of the year running windy points.

The Big Bass Bash is coming up soon! Jeff Debus hired me to take him out last Big Bass Bash before the cutoff date and he won the whole thing! I showed him where to go and he took care of the rest. Jeff and others have already scheduled several days this month (September) but evening trips and a few mornings are still available. Call me on my cell (573) 434 2570 or email me

I have been helping fisherman become a little bit better since 1997. That's 17 years of working in the fishing business. Let me help you, and you never know, you could be as lucky as Jeff Debus was with his $50,000 check.

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